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What is something common that you see most people do wrong? (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (30 / M-F / Massachusetts)
1-Jan-14 4:01 pm
What is something common that you see most people do wrong?




1-Jan-14 4:11 pm
In real life selling drugs, mistreating animals & wife beating



1-Jan-14 4:14 pm
This is my own little thing....when I was in the Marine Corps, I was taught to lace my boots left over right. I still, to this day, lace my shoes that way....and it irks me when others do it all willy nilly lol

I think this is an all military thing....other vets can confirm if true.



 Briteeyez (Banned)
1-Jan-14 4:32 pm
Load the dish washer or drainer wrong. Knives and forks go pointed end down to avoid being stabbed. I still complain to my mom about it, and she's the one that taught me that....but now she don't remember lol Smh



1-Jan-14 4:35 pm
Putting ketchup on WRONG!



 beautifuldreamer (3)    (40 / F-M / Kentucky)
1-Jan-14 4:40 pm
As a mom, buckeling children in carseats. As a woman, foreplay.



1-Jan-14 4:43 pm
Oh.....and bread ties twist to the right people!



 Briteeyez (Banned)
1-Jan-14 4:46 pm
Spell Christie any other way then with an "ie" I can't stand it



1-Jan-14 4:47 pm
@Briteeyez: Good one Christy! Oh u knew it was coming lol



 Briteeyez (Banned)
1-Jan-14 4:50 pm
@WalkSoftly: lol..... Yes, and I knew you would be the one to do it



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