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Cancer (by brats52005)
So for those that have known me awhile. I haven't been on a lot know my mother has breast cancer.
unfortunately it has spread to all her bones and skull with tumors in the brain. She came home yesterday from a nursing home to eventually die with her family.

I'm just gonna enjoy the time we have left. And pray that I get more years with her. She's only 65 so young.
@brats52005: Hey there! Sorry to hear that. Keep the faith: I have had cancer also.
@Musicguy: actually she passed away December 7th at 11:00 pm after I came home from work. It was her 48th wedding anniversary and my nephews 15th birthday. She waited till I got home. So I got to say good bye. I don't have to hear her scream from the pain or ask for a
gun or ask to be shot. She's with my sister and nephew. She's in good hands. I just miss her. But its better this way.
gun or ask to be shot. She's with my sister and nephew. She's in good hands. I just miss her. But its better this way.
Last edited by brats52005; 21-Dec-13 5:58 pm.
bless you, it does get easier in time, i had to go thru it
@brats52005: OMG! So sorry about your pain as well. I was on a lot of pain meds after my fun trip!
@brats52005: I'm so sorry for your loss penny sending James hugs and prayers
Last edited by james85; 21-Dec-13 7:12 pm.
Thank you. As I said I'm happy she's not hurting. I just miss her. She's a great woman. I hope to be half as good as she is.
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