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Pearl Harbour (by leadonna)
There is a good movie called Task Force made in 1949. LOL. If u r a history buff itts not that bad of a movie about that tragic day. If not, the graphics r really funny.
@leadonna: Im a History buff, but if graffics are bad... Then maybe meant to attract teenage boys w/special effects & fak action ? Unforuately the industry caters to 25 & under in most movies... Which leaves me w/a headache & a never ending quest for movies made out of USA & Hollywood.
@TenFour: my dad served in the navy. He wasn't at Pearl Harbour, but u would have thought he was with all the commotion he started watching task force. I've been iced in now with him for almost three days. Nothing but war and western movies. Help.
I'll be there in 2 minutes. What you need me to do make some popcorn?

@leadonna: I opened my front door & there's no way to leave. Wings on my jet plane are covered with ice & I can't even open the doors on my 4 wheel drive pickup. I bet there's a 1/4 inch of ice all over the place here. But it's suppose to warm up to 35 this afternoon so hang on.
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