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Bbl (by ScorpionStar)

29-Oct-13 7:56 am
@MsHalloween2013: no its not drama it it the truth n people need to lighten up n relax



5-Nov-13 7:02 am
Yup they wont. This time I delete will be my last time! Thank jeebus my other site is back up and running up to par. The few ppl on here that dnt have number that are regs. Most are gossipers, **** stirrers and liers. Js I hope yal find peace and happiness.



5-Nov-13 3:57 pm
Yup they wont. This time I delete will be my last time! Thank jeebus my other site is back up and running up to par. The few ppl on here that dnt have number that are regs. Most are gossipers, **** stirrers and liers. Js I hope yal find peace and happiness.
Ya know I have not had these issues on here-and I get along w everybody:) Its a matter of only saying what you would say to someones face-at least thats why I think I have not had any problems-that and minding my own instead of others personal business-I dont inbox much at all...You just started out bein hateful and nobody will let you forget it:( Hope things get better for you, but if they dont, you can always delete for good..:)



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