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She could be real (by manondago)
Charlene could be for real. I have chatted with some women on another site,that were around her age. Not much different. I'm not going to give my opinion on why,because I don't want a sh!tload of hate mail from menopausal mobiens.
lmao. then again.... she could be a troll. real or a troll... she is still a problem.
Ofcourse she's real....she's SOMEBODY...computers can't type on there on....but point is...she's a trouble maker and that's all she is. Rather she's a alter...or a previously banned member
@mrb89: I think I was the first to dump her. Feel kinda bad...dumping someone with hormone depletion.

I said 'for real'. An actual 50 something woman....who happens to be bonkers.
@manondago: Its a good chance that she is....she might just not know any better
A troll doesnt have to be an alter to be a troll....real or otherwise, shes still a dumb ass.
Those other crazy battle axes that I chatted to might show up here. I kinda told them about it.

LMAO You people really have to learn to never take me seriously. Unless you see this
lmfao some more!

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