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Are hurricanes and super storms being created by the government? (by Joshua198924)
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I would say no-but I do believe that anyone receiving govt aid or Social Security is in danger of being eliminated through the controlled healthcare system that our govt is having such difficulty approving.. some have elderly and disabled people in their lives that they love...Buah ah ah ah ah! lol I should write a book;)

Last edited by IndianDreamer; 19-Oct-13 6:53 am.
@WalkSoftly1: not many ppl believe in it. But there are things that we cannot see but know exist. If you look it up, also look up "tesla" and put both together and you will know that H.A.A.R.P. controls our weather.
HAARP has been blamed by conspiracy
theorists for a range of events, including
numerous natural disasters, outbreaks,
global warming, global cooling, volcanoes,
even assassinations of individuals.
Commentators and scientists say that
proponents of these theories are
"uninformed" as most theories put forward
fall well outside the abilities of the facility
and often outside the scope of natural
science and defy physics. Sorry Jimmy, Im no conspiracy theorist.
theorists for a range of events, including
numerous natural disasters, outbreaks,
global warming, global cooling, volcanoes,
even assassinations of individuals.
Commentators and scientists say that
proponents of these theories are
"uninformed" as most theories put forward
fall well outside the abilities of the facility
and often outside the scope of natural
science and defy physics. Sorry Jimmy, Im no conspiracy theorist.
@WalkSoftly1: i know this as well. They are bein blamed for super storm sandy and the moore oklahoma tornado
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