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Two upsets in College Football today working on #3 (by Joshua198924)
Oklahoma and Georgia were defeated, Clemson may be the 3rd team to be upset today.
Mizzou beat Georgia u said that..damn Im tired
Last edited by WalkSoftly1; 12-Oct-13 8:41 pm.
Yeah Clemson is beating Clemson right now... Miscues, turnovers, problems galore for Clemson
@Briteeyes: they call it a trap game in which an unranked team beats a top ten ranked team in which the top ten ranked team faces their rival in this case Clemson is beating themselves because they have Florida State on their mind instead of Boston College
@Joshua198924: Ohhh I gotcha....I've got that game on, but not watching it
@Briteeyes: I am only enjoying it because if Clemson loses Ohio State moves up in the rankings
Last edited by Joshua198924; 12-Oct-13 8:54 pm.

@queenofhearts28: It was a really good game, I gotta hand it to OU for never giving up and Good sportsmanship during the game vs. Texas, The Sooners gave everything they had but came up short.
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