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Strangest food combo.... (by WalkSoftly1)
Whats the strangest food combination u eat or used to eat? I enjoy the occasional cheese sandwich with Pringles potato chips on it...has to be a slice of cheese, Miracle Whip, and six potato chips...its the only thing I keep Miracle Whip around for.. and no, Im not pregnant 

Me personally? nothing to odd. I think. lmao. But I have friends that eat odd things. And when my oldest sister was pregnant she eat onea the most disgusting things ever. lmao.
I made a Crepe filled with canned tuna, topped with chocolate sauce, sour cream, whipped cream, brown sugar and the strawberries that come in a plastic container (the shortcake kind). it all tasted good going down... but not back up... :( wasnt pregnant... just weird and curious lol
Last edited by vampirelove666; 18-Sep-13 6:51 pm.
@vampirelove666: Yes!!!! 

Last edited by queenofhearts28; 18-Sep-13 6:58 pm.
@queenofhearts28: *giggles*

Last edited by vampirelove666; 18-Sep-13 7:01 pm.
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