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Why do guys talk to you on the phone for a week or less and then say ILOVEYOU? (by gummybear77)

 sexunicorn (7)   (34 / F-MF / Colorado)
29-Jun-12 8:31 am
Some guys do love u,,, but not all



29-Jun-12 8:48 am
I run a mile if someone says they love me after a couple of months. I've never felt the same way back and will never say it until I'm a hundred per cent sure. one week over a phone is ridiculous :)



30-Jun-12 4:15 pm
Cuz they`re emo? Just kidding lol. A couple of other ideas: they could be using it as an expression `omg you like my fave band? I love you!` or i don`t know, i always think it`s funny when guys say it after a week of knowing you in person and never really talking to you. Why do we believe that and not this? Are we as people actually dumber in person than online? Lpl



 Ethalamuel (0)   (31 / M-F / Oklahoma)
4-Jul-12 7:58 am
Uhm... Ill explain, with all thats been said, everythings been stuck to the outer shell, guys tell you they love you because of a hormone released by the body, its in both men and women, called oxytosin, when mixed with mens testorone, the brain jumps to the most basic fix to their... Arousal... At the time, what do women want? Well no man knows for sure, but the most influential answer is love, so every guy tells you hes in love with you, bc its like this! ROAD MAP STYLE meet talk like like~like love sex (and other actions involving)



4-Jul-12 8:05 am
No its just weird when a complete stranger tells you they love you, after a week or I've found in the first message they send you. girls do not want to hear that. maybe desperate clingy girls with low self esteem do but the rest of us don't :)



 brats52005 (52)    (54 / F-M / California)
4-Jul-12 8:35 am
I agree with vamp doll. Though most of mine are from my pic. And they still dont read profiles. Its men mostly thinking with the other head not the logical one with the brain in it either. Lol.



 Archangel17 (0)    (39 / M-F / Ghana)
8-Jul-12 11:09 am
I think i have something to say: Love in its essence is a huge sacrifice and pain in order to make someone or people happy. But someone can just like the way you talk,smile,your eye colour,your shape or your face even if they didnt see you before,they then tell you they love you and because of the need for someone to love them....please forgive them. Thank you.



8-Jul-12 8:15 pm
I agree fully with whats been said here. I would like to point out however that men are not the only ones that use the love word and not mean it. I have had similiar experiences with women.



 Asamoah84 (-1)   (40 / M-F / Ghana)
19-Feb-13 12:37 pm
@Gummybear it might be natural or fake ok. just becarefull.buh how do u understand the word love if i may ask.



 Asamoah84 (-1)   (40 / M-F / Ghana)
19-Feb-13 12:44 pm
But think men eazily fall in love as compared to the women



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