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Any other guy get a message from this one? (by TonyStark)
yea sissy i went strait to report on that one and a couple of other ones also.
I reported them too sissy and hit dumped button. I don't like to throw a blanket statement but most of my profile rude guests are indians ...
Thats mine also. I had one that was nykhyl25 thought he would start another account as nykhyl75 and ended up with the same yellow warning on his new account and was only on that Same day.
I just saw a female profile claiming to be 14 years old. BlUEFIRE14, spelled in all caps. No pic posted on this profile.
Holy molly tony. Its sad that these children want to be adults. When they should be young and having healty fun for there age group. Im glad mine are young and monitored.
@brats52005: I agree with ya, if it really is someone 14, it is sad. Someone that young will one day regret not trying to hold on to their youth as long as possible!
She's (BLUEFIRE) is currently online. If that age is correct , so sad & heartbreaking :( .
Them children never understand how this world (dating site) is very dangerous for them :(
Them children never understand how this world (dating site) is very dangerous for them :(
@Rainbowbutterfly: Your right Sissy, its like a 6 year old playing with matches, they just dont understand the danger!
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