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§~`.want to know the TRUTH?.`~§ (by angelicsmile23)

 angelicsmile23 (16)    (35 / F-M / Philippines)
19-Mar-12 10:34 pm
:-D How do you measure success?

Let's say you had a lot of money. Anything you wanted, you could buy. Now, you'd probably have a pretty long shopping list. And with all that money, many people would say that you are successful.

But what about that other list? The real list of things that money can't buy. The list that comes from the heart. The real list probably includes: you long to be loved; you want your family to get along; you need to be accepted just the way you are. And you want that hole in your filled, which only God can do.

So, work for true success-success of the HEART!



29-Mar-12 12:27 pm
@angelicsmile23: The prosperity of the soul is all that matters. 3 John v2.



 Dingledangle (0)  (55 / M-F / England)
13-Apr-12 10:18 pm
Wot a load of bs



13-Apr-12 11:07 pm
@angelicsmile23: i say the the most successful person has the stuff that matters most witch is family love and people that has his back no matter what happen's



 Tyler420 (0)   (32 / M-F / Oklahoma)
14-Apr-12 6:22 am
@Dingledangle: right? Lmao



 angelicsmile23 (16)    (35 / F-M / Philippines)
14-Apr-12 12:39 pm
@Angel367: and God because He is the center of everything..



 Alwaysandforever71 (0)    (40 / M-F / Illinois)
9-Jun-12 5:40 pm
Knowing God is success



9-Jun-12 7:17 pm
Hahahaaha sorry i didnt post to answer the thread, one word in the title caught my attention...opps my bad hahahaha sorry guys



 Stratocomet711 (2)    (38 / M-F / Kansas)
20-Jul-12 6:38 pm
Its so odd, a Christian can be totally polite and helpful and still have people act like they're a fool and pestilence. I mean I dont like mayonaise, so I dont eat it, if people dont like christians and theyre not hurting anyone why do they go around them and illicit conversation specifically to try and cut them down? I suspect its supposedly non-existant demon whispering ideas in ones ear to incite spite because it generally lacks sound logic that there could be another tangible reason but I dunno...



20-Jul-12 6:41 pm

dam right wtf wrong wit ppl... i bin wht she went threw....

it aint fun...

trust en bealeve..



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