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The Pic Verification Process has been Improved! (by Andres)

 Andres (105)     (Admin)
22-Apr-13 1:27 pm
Hi Folks,

Just a quick update to let you all know that I've just improved the Verification Process.

Instead of being random, the pics the community verifies will now be in order of when the Verification Pics were uploaded, with the most recent ones getting voted on first.

This will make it fairer for everyone as those who upload their pics sooner will get verified faster, instead of it being completely random.

On top of that, I've given Premium users an extra perk. If you are a Premium user and your pic is in the process of getting verified, you will "jump the queue" and appear before all Free users so that you get verified even faster! This is especially useful if you like to change your Profile Pic a lot.

Keep in mind, however, that how long your pic takes to get verified will still also depend on how clear your code is in your Verification Pic, and how clear your faces are in both your Profile and Verification Pic. So take the time to upload clean and clear Profile and (especially) Verification Pics so that you get verified in no time!

If you experience any issues with these changes, please let me know here.



Now that they have all accepted their new responsibilities, I wanted to announce a new interim solution to the well-known problem of men's pics taking so long to get verified.

Four long-term female members who frequent the site on a regular basis and have very high Karma have been temporarily granted the power to single-handedly approve and reject Verification Pics. A "Yes" vote from either of them will instantly verify any member, and a "No" vote from them will instantly reject any member's verification pic. This means that men will no longer have to wait so long for a female community consensus regarding their verification pics and will get approved (or rejected) a lot faster.

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility, and these four female members have all accepted the condition that they must comply with the letter of the Verification instructions or they will permanently lose their privileges.

For the sake of transparency and to publicly thank them for their service to this community, the four female members with Special Verification Powers are:


Thank you, ladies!



22-Apr-13 1:31 pm
You rock Andres



22-Apr-13 1:51 pm
Ok Andres let me ask ur opinion, my v pic is a lil dark, should I go ahead and upload a clearer pic or is this one ok? I mean did I get any "no" votes due to this pic?



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
22-Apr-13 2:11 pm
Ok Andres let me ask ur opinion, my v pic is a lil dark, should I go ahead and upload a clearer pic or is this one ok? I mean did I get any "no" votes due to this pic?
You should definitely upload a new Verification Pic. Not only is yours dark, but the code is blurry, and the paper is angled, making the code (particularly the last part) difficult to read. Anything other than a "Yes" vote is going to slow down your Verification, so it's not just the "No" votes that you have to worry about.

Everyone should aim to have their Verification Pic look like the example Verification Pic of Aleksandra that we provide on the "Upload Verification Pic" page:

If you take the time to upload a Verification Pic that's that clear, you'll get Verified VERY quickly each and every time.



22-Apr-13 2:31 pm
Ok thanks. I just uploaded a new one and like the improvements u made on the process. Thanks



22-Apr-13 2:46 pm
@Andres: I had someone tell me that my code is difficult to see but on my phone its clear as can be.. can I get your opinion? it has been 2-3 days.



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
22-Apr-13 2:57 pm
@Andres: I had someone tell me that my code is difficult to see but on my phone its clear as can be.. can I get your opinion? it has been 2-3 days.
It's probably clear to you because you know what the code is, but for someone who does not, it is not very clear. I don't recommend using a pen, (because the lines are thin) or lined paper (as it creates more visual noise), and I would recommend taking the pic right-side-up.

When done correctly and clearly, your pic should get verified within 24 hours, so if it hasn't been verified in over 48 hours, it can only be because you got too many "No" or "I can't tell" votes which is delaying your verification. When that happens (such as in your case), take another, much clearer Verification Pic and upload it to restart the process. You should get verified much quicker the second time around.



 ugo22 (0)   (34 / M-F / Nigeria)
22-Apr-13 3:02 pm
ok Adrs,my pic v has being on proces more than 24hours but i did nt use white paper,i just the code near my pic with my photo edit,shuld i upload another 1



22-Apr-13 3:05 pm
@Andres: Makes sense, thank you.



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
22-Apr-13 3:08 pm
ok Adrs,my pic v has being on proces more than 24hours but i did nt use white paper,i just the code near my pic with my photo edit,shuld i upload another 1
You didn't write your code on a piece of paper, you just digitally added it to your existing Profile Pic. You're never going to get verified like that. Please re-read the instructions and follow them correctly step-by-step in order to get Verified.



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