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My predictions for monday on raw (by Aaronjake619)

 Aaronjake619 (0)   (31 / M-F / Alabama)
11-Apr-13 5:22 am
I recently read a report that cm punk was taking time off to nurse some injuries after wrestlemania. This got me are they gonna play this off? At first i thoufht he would just come out and say it...til heyman said he would address his match with taker this monday. And I know that brock will be there too...which means that the seeda for brock lesnar vs cm punk at summerslam may have just been planted. So, my prediction is that while cm punk is talking, he wiill be interrupted by heyman. He will inform punk that they have reached the end of their partnership. Some words will be exchanged, and then punk will get ****** and probably slap him or something, which will then pretty much mean he's a face. Then lesnar's music hits. He comes out and hits cm punk with an f5, then breaks his arm with the kimura lock. That is how cm punk will get time off. And when he comes back......there will be hell to pay. Anyone have any thoughts on my prediction!



11-Apr-13 11:55 am
@Aaronjake619: Being it seems you're up to date on this stuff, why is that nobody can say his name right for him to wrestle tango dancer guy even on WWE?



 Aaronjake619 (0)   (31 / M-F / Alabama)
11-Apr-13 3:06 pm
@Martian: dude, that's so.ething I don't eeven



11-Apr-13 4:49 pm
@Aaronjake619: it's ok man, just thought you may have more info about him. Did you see my comment for your The Shield vs ??? thread?



 Aaronjake619 (0)   (31 / M-F / Alabama)
11-Apr-13 5:27 pm
@Martian: yes I did, and I agree. Henry show and kane would totally kick their *****. However, I don't think that 3mb should get attacked simply cause that would be a waste of time. I think if the shield gets into a match where if they lose they must separate, they should face Evolution. That would be AWESOME!!!



11-Apr-13 5:49 pm
@Aaronjake619: I'm not sure who Evolution is.



 jakemann23 (9)   (36 / M-F / Illinois)
11-Apr-13 5:59 pm
Evolution consisted of Randy orton, Ric flair WOOOOOO!, Triple h and Batista lol they were a pretty good team



11-Apr-13 6:01 pm
@jakemann23: Thanks man, I sure didn't know.



 jakemann23 (9)   (36 / M-F / Illinois)
11-Apr-13 6:08 pm
your welcome man and my prediction for the shields opponents Taker, Kane and Daniel bryant



11-Apr-13 6:22 pm
@jakemann23: I believe you're right, Undertaker, Kane & Goatman I mean Daniel Bryan is the next team for The Shield to face. But I wonder how much longer the Undertaker will wrestle.



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