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Hey people, looking for people to talk to (by Nika87)

 Nika87 (1)    (38 / F-F / North Carolina)
29-Mar-13 10:10 pm
hey , how its going in this dating world? I my self am looking for aa good friend to talk to, im bi, women, men, trans, i like everyone, no judging here :) well i hope everyone has love and peace, laters



29-Mar-13 10:15 pm
@Nika87: Welcome! Enjoy your stay here. I am sure you will find what you are looking for. If you have a picture on your profile you might have better luck. :-)



 Nika87 (1)    (38 / F-F / North Carolina)
29-Mar-13 10:20 pm
@bamacountry: been trying to load one up from my phone, not working, cant get to a computer with the internet till monday, but i tried



29-Mar-13 10:23 pm
@Nika87: Try taking a new one and upload it.



 Nika87 (1)    (38 / F-F / North Carolina)
29-Mar-13 10:27 pm
@bamacountry: k



29-Mar-13 10:27 pm
@Nika87: hey:)Welcome! To send a pic without uploading you just go to your account-write down your secret code and then just send pic to that address they give you in a text message:)



29-Mar-13 10:29 pm
@Nika87: hey:)Welcome! To send a pic without uploading you just go to your account-write down your secret code and then just send pic to that address they give you in a text message:)
Thanks Sammy!



 Nika87 (1)    (38 / F-F / North Carolina)
29-Mar-13 11:04 pm
@bamacountry: thanks you two, i got my picture up!



29-Mar-13 11:07 pm
@Nika87: Sweet! You are welcome.



29-Mar-13 11:19 pm
@Nika87: Cool:) Your welcome:)Have fun chattin watch out for scammers and dont give your number out to everyone who asks-lol I did that my first few days-Im tellin ya youre safer chattin on here lol:)



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