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Single mom (by cupcsugar)

 cupcsugar (1)   (48 / F-M / Florida)
28-May-12 11:52 pm
Single mom..why is it hard to fine mr right?



29-May-12 12:49 am
I am a single mom but I don't wish to find Mr. Right :D instead I am hoping to find Mr. Imperfect man who'll be able to accept my imperfections :D,

Seriously, in God's perfect timing, He will deliver Mr Right at your doorstep & while waiting, enjoy and embrace the joys of being single and a mom :D. Best of luck



29-May-12 1:12 am
Im a single mom and dont mind it one bit. When im meant to have my prince i will, but as far as being a mom, thats something i will always be and a man can accept it or keep looking. All i need is my kids.



29-May-12 1:22 am
Well alot has to do with the issues that come along with having a instant family. A single parent usually means commitment and that seems to be a scary word to most ppl.



29-May-12 1:37 am
Commitment it is, it is also being strong minded, independant, determined, and loving, caring and compassionent.



29-May-12 2:12 am
@Brite those are all things that scare weakminded ppl off in return makes finding the rite one harder



29-May-12 3:00 am
@dan yea i guess ur rite, single moms dont need weak minded men that get scared....we need a man that isnt intimidated by a lady with a family, jus cuz we have kids dont mean we love our man any less. So for a man to be scared of that connection jus shows hes not a true man. I dont think it makes the rite one harder, i think it seperates the men from the boys...and they do that on their own. And its the same for single fathers, he'll always be a daddy, having a woman is a bonus, not a neccessity.



29-May-12 3:01 am
@dan yea i guess ur rite, single moms dont need weak minded men that get scared....we need a man that isnt intimidated by a lady with a family, jus cuz we have kids dont mean we love our man any less. So for a man to be scared of that connection jus shows hes not a true man. I dont think it makes the rite one harder, i think it seperates the men from the boys...and they do that on their own. And its the same for single fathers, he'll always be a daddy, having a woman is a bonus, not a neccessity. If a man or woman cant except the fact they have a past then their not MR OR MRS RITE probably for anyone.



29-May-12 3:06 am
@brite that is true when i said it makes it harder i was referring to narrawing the playin field. You have to b strong to b a single parent so there for u need a strong mate



 rickleroy (0)   (40 / M-F / Pennsylvania)
5-Jun-12 3:24 am
And trying to figure out who can actully deal with having a little kid around all the time is hard too i have been single on and off for almost 4 years sence my ex wife and i split up i have had 3 gfs that got to meet my kid and so far none of them have worked because they couldnt handle it. (and one was a single mother but i should have known better cause her ex had custody) any ways it gets you down after a while and with wrong person after wrong person makes you want to give up and damn i have come close more than aa number of times to just giving up but my kid, famnily, and even my ex wife keeps pushing my to find some one and idk how many times i have been told not to give up. it still doesnt make putting your self out there any easier but you got to keep at it. normally i will text someone for months before i feel any need to meet them in person andi will date them for another few when my kid is at her moms before i think they will be good around my kid but een that doesnt work all the time (using my last 3 ex gfs as an example)



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