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~Wish~ (by MysticJade)
Did you hear about the guy on the beach who found a bottle? He rubbed it and, sure enough, out popped a genie. "I will grant you three wishes," said the Genie. "But there's a catch." "What catch?" he asked. The genie replied, "Every time you make a wish, every politician in the world will receive double what you asked for." "Well, I can live with that! No problem!" replied the elated man. "What is your first wish?" asked the Genie. "Well, I've always wanted a Ferrari," he said. POOF! A Ferrari appeared in front of the man. "Now, every politician in the world has two Ferraris," said the genie. "Next wish?" "I'd love a million dollars," replied the man. POOF! One million dollars appeared at his feet. "Now, every politician in the world has two million dollars," said the genie. "Well, that's okay, as long as I've got my million," replied the man. "What is your final wish?" asked the genie. The man thought long and hard, and finally said, "Well, you know, I've always wanted to donate a kidney."
That basterd killed the politicians now who will keep this country in order from curuption?
Lmao wow thats really a good one i want t rub that gottle to
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