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Why dose love hurt so much? (by Sweetytweetybabe)

17 votes
Bc guys like hurting us girls
Bc no one cares about others feelings
Bc it just dose sometimes bc we keep hitting the worng guy or girl up
Love hurts at times but we can get up again
 Sweetytweetybabe (0)  (39 / F-M / Virginia)
12-Mar-12 4:32 pm
If u can come up with anythang tell me



12-Mar-12 4:44 pm
@Sweetytweetybabe: every body is gonna hurt u..its just a matter of finding the one thats worth suffering for



 Kaotikdad (0)   (43 / M-F / Florida)
12-Mar-12 6:40 pm
Love hurts cause it feels so good



12-Mar-12 8:04 pm
It hurts because we put the most vulnerable part of ourself out there hoping and trusting the other will protect it and keep it safe. Someone will though!



 Lifeoftheparty (1)   (35 / M-MF / Illinois)
12-Mar-12 11:48 pm
Love hurts so much bc we want the other person to love us just as much and its imposible to realy tell... You can sit and cling to the idea that they will love you but you cant make them and if you try too hard you can just push them away making yourself feel worse... The feelings will never go away you just start thinking about the pain less and less the more that time goes by... The best advice i can give is remember the good times and try to find the right person for you and if you think they was the right one... As much as i hate to say it you would be wrong bc they dont love you or dont care as much as they used to so they was not the right one for you.



13-Mar-12 4:10 am
Because lubricaton can be expensive :) Nah seriously, once again JC and kaotik are spot on the money



 haze74 (6)    (31 / M-F / Florida)
13-Mar-12 9:15 am
I fel in love. It was a girl named Damaris..she is sooo gorgeous and amazin...but shes my in love wit my bestfriend



 Lifeoftheparty (1)   (35 / M-MF / Illinois)
13-Mar-12 7:00 pm
@haze74: well maybe you should tell her how you feel...



21-Mar-12 1:30 pm
It is better to be in love with a good friend than a perfect stranger. You know what hurts them, as well as what heals them. And you can use that knowledge to keep them safe and away from harm. I say go for it. She will be in better hands with you than with a random crush...



 cobra (0)  (54 / M-F / Minnesota)
22-Mar-12 2:50 am
@Sweetytweetybabe: we are created to be with someone. The other half it a times called. We form a bond of union and with that we place are hopes and dreams, we make plans based on the union and when its torn apart or ends, so does the plan the dreams the good feeling like a great storm that destroyed your world your life your everything. There is physical mental and emotion chemistry changes.



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