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Join page (by Briteeyes)
i think it would be a good idea if on the "Join now" page it was updated once a month or so with random Premium users profile pics. It not only gives the Premium users an extra boost but also shows new comers real live users. Maybe even include their username with the photo so newbies can see for themselves how real the site is, and in return will also give more spice to the Premium users. Jus an idea. I know on a different site they would post random users on their facebook page and it was a big hit and gave those individuals extra publicity. Soooo what cha think? I know id like to see real users 

Lol hey you. I jus recommended u come to the forums and bamm here u r already wth? lol
I actually have a similar idea already in the pipeline to give Premium users more exposure, but not on the Join page. I probably wouldn't want to do it on the Join page because if someone were to click on the Premium profile shown, we could potentially lose a registration (assuming by "Join page" you are referring to the registration page).
The idea I'm currently working on is to show a random Premium profile in either the Home screen of every Free user, or as an Ad at the top or bottom. I don't want to add too much clutter to Free users, so we would have to be careful about how we go about this, but I'm not done giving Premium users more exposure. :)
I also have another idea in the pipeline to do something similar to what you suggested, but on the homepage of the site for logged-out users (where you currently see the same 4 pics). The difficulty there is ensuring we don't accidentally display nudity or something distasteful, or we could scare away potential users. One possible solution to this would be to only display random verified pic users. We probably don't have enough Premium users yet to limit the homepage to displaying only those users, as we would risk showing the same faces over and over again (which I have no problem doing for logged-in users, but it could give the wrong impression to non-registered users considering joining).
Does that make sense? As always, I'm very open to suggestions!
The idea I'm currently working on is to show a random Premium profile in either the Home screen of every Free user, or as an Ad at the top or bottom. I don't want to add too much clutter to Free users, so we would have to be careful about how we go about this, but I'm not done giving Premium users more exposure. :)
I also have another idea in the pipeline to do something similar to what you suggested, but on the homepage of the site for logged-out users (where you currently see the same 4 pics). The difficulty there is ensuring we don't accidentally display nudity or something distasteful, or we could scare away potential users. One possible solution to this would be to only display random verified pic users. We probably don't have enough Premium users yet to limit the homepage to displaying only those users, as we would risk showing the same faces over and over again (which I have no problem doing for logged-in users, but it could give the wrong impression to non-registered users considering joining).
Does that make sense? As always, I'm very open to suggestions!
Yes it makes sense, sounds like we are both close to the same idea. I was referring to the 4 pics you see when logging in, changing them every so often. I also like and have thought about mentioning the advertisement at the top of a page for premium users. So good idea. Glad u are continuing to come up with ideas and take our suggestions.
This feature has just gone live with a "Random Premium Member" showing at the top of every single Free user's Home screen. Talk about absolutely massive exposure! Premium members, prepare for your profile views to EXPLODE!
And I'm still not done giving Premium users more exposure to help them find love faster! If you ain't Premium, you ain't even tryin'! ;)
Stay tuned...
And I'm still not done giving Premium users more exposure to help them find love faster! If you ain't Premium, you ain't even tryin'! ;)
Stay tuned...
Dang i missed this!!! But the few hours i was without premium i did notice them. pretty cool :-)
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