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No difference (by americangirl82)

25-Nov-12 4:35 pm
maiden rules lol



25-Nov-12 4:36 pm
@americangirl82: well we met on here and both have friends on the forums but you wouldn't know anything about that and what's sad is you will probably never find anyone or ever be happy good luck in life you need it
what she needs is a reality check. it aint all about you lady. as i said, make like a mason and kick rocks since you dont like us or the site.



25-Nov-12 4:38 pm
Its a visa versa situation !! But people cant class one bad apple to be the same as ten good apples just waiting to be plucked from a apple tree...
Talking about apples i think i might eat one now ;)
and im still here eating my apple :)



25-Nov-12 4:38 pm
then do us all a favor and take your narrow mind and negativity to another site. you come on here and attack us thinking you know everything about everyone. its no wonder you get cheated on, from the way you talk, you deserve it. i really do hope you find the right guy, sincerely. but attacking us with the predisposition that were all scum is very uncalled for. so by all means, take that stereotypical attitude, make like a ball and bounce. you have no business here if your holier than thou persona takes precidence over what couldve gotten you good results. dont like me? i dont care, because your pissy, selfish attitude makes you a very ugly person.
i dont know paul, predisposition & precidence, thems some mighty fancy words, she might not know what that means
yeah those words even hurt MY brain a lil! dam my wide vocabulary!



 americangirl82 (1)    (42 / F-M / Missouri)
25-Nov-12 4:39 pm
@PaulG7719: i done said what i had to say to u not really interested in gettin advice from ppl that live with their x or have a gf/bf and are still on a dating site and as far as love myself first i couldnt love myself anymore and my friends think im the best person they could know im a very cheerful and happy person but when ppl start to give me advice on what i say with no room to talk then yea it makes me even madder than when i started out



25-Nov-12 4:40 pm
rockheart and i have formed a bond over iron maiden

up the irons!



25-Nov-12 4:40 pm
@americangirl82: cant step to me so attack heikeva and aldo.
it's a self esteem exercise feel better about yourself by trying to tear others down



Last edited by Aldo420; 25-Nov-12 4:46 pm.
 heikeva (69)   (60 / F-M / Bayern)
25-Nov-12 4:42 pm
@Shellbelle: Iam doing alright , thanks to Aldo and friends like you ......;) @ Paul, dont worry i dont feel attacked, i see a hurt unhappy women who has alot of things to work on before she can find love and happiness again! Sometimes it helps to pick, hate and criticize on other people to make yourself feel better! Iam above that ......;) Cuz i love myself Lol



25-Nov-12 4:48 pm
@americangirl82: hold on there missy.... you started this. its none of your business what goes on in our lives. you have no room to talk either. you may be a fantastic person, but all youve shown me is a bitter, judgemental, and biggited person with a vendetta against us here. so please..... either show us who you say you are or be bitter and hatefull and talk 8 kinds of crap to you rubber duckie. you insulted me and you think its ok. so no..... i dont see that person you say you are. i see just another judgmental jerk.



25-Nov-12 4:51 pm
@PaulG7719: i agree wit u id own billions for de amount of time im told il neva leave u



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