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Rate the username. wierd, boring, ok, cool, awsome (by RoseQuartz)
Do you like the username above? is it a good description of the person? is it creative? tell me what you think, starting with me
from amongst the five options, i vud say it is 'ok' description of d person in that i vud say...and also not too creative...infact i didnt get the intended meaning of it...
Takes great pride in his nation. Gotta admire that. Good name :-)
hey count dracula how ya doin? XD jkjk
my first name is Rose , and a good friend of mind told of i yes too beautiful to even be the symbol of beauty and that i was a gem, he started calling me Rosequartz and the nickname stuck lol
I think it's a super pretty username, the first time I saw it I really liked it. It reminds me of the crystal rose my brother brought back for me from OBX.
Aww and that story is really sweet too. c:
Aww and that story is really sweet too. c:
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