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Why do most people ignore women frm africa? (by jaber24w)

10-Mar-12 6:56 pm
Why do most people ignore women frm africa?



10-Mar-12 7:04 pm
I mean,we r nt scummers,i mean nt all of us..we shld b given a chance.



10-Mar-12 7:18 pm
I dont. I've spoken to quite a few chix from africa and have found them friendly and easy to talk to. Even exchanged numbers with a couple, and talk regularly with 1 special one



10-Mar-12 7:19 pm
Not everybody ignores people. Maybe you are just messaging the wrong folks. :)



 flowersantonnette (0)  (50 / F-M / California)
11-Mar-12 3:57 am
my dayz r so lonely n you're so far away the ache in my heart is constant for u how the memory of ur kisses is for every on my mine the night time hours r so cold n empty



13-Mar-12 8:07 pm
Ths very true jaber....we black women r ignored so much,im even almost giving up on ths site coz of tht...Its full of Racists!!



13-Mar-12 8:17 pm
@PrettyJune: Not a racial thing. I've msg a cuple girls who, at first, said they were in the U.S. Turns out each of them had the same story. Said they were stuck in Africa n needed 300-400 dollars to get home. I'm not that dumb. Takes a LOT more than that to fly from Africa to the U.S. Really? Get another scam And both represented themselves to be white, by the way, so don't give me that racial crap



13-Mar-12 8:27 pm
@Ram,so u conclude tht we all r scummers..tht aint fair u knw?there r honest black chics in Africa uve met some of th wrong ones doesnt mean we all th same



13-Mar-12 8:28 pm
@jaber24w: Sorry, my rant was not personally directed at you. I just hate thieves and their ways. They are giving u girls a bad name.



14-Mar-12 12:03 am
@june: i just tried to wink at u and i dont meet your contact restrictions. Ok, so maybe i'm too old, maybe i'm too far away. Are you waiting to be contacted by the plethora of young white guys currently residing in africa? Wake up to yourself



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