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How many of yall? (by Macaroniwith3)
How many of yall got kisses from ur "babe" this a.m? Kids r a wonderful gift in life=)
Yes ma'am they are! And I got three this morning...even my 18 yo still thinks its okay to kiss mama bye, warms a girls heart! 

Awww that is to cute. I have three myself and i like them being sweet before terror mode kicks in lol
woke up to both my boys storming in my room to give daddy hugs and kisses good morning.
=) yea my 10 month old was givin lovin and beenin sweet. She is to cute it just makes me happy.
My 2year old grandson he is so sweet when he runs to me and kisses me aaaw i love the pure innocence of children they are adoreable :)....Children cannot fake smiles and kisses they are always true in showing their feelings.
They do make u happy when they r sweet. My kids love their nana and they r awsome b/c they seem to have no fear and yes innocense makes u think about how the world is full of hate=( they r awsome=) if there is one thing i could talk about is kids
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