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Tell us your "glitch in the Matrix" stories... (by Andres)
Continuing this series, here's a question by reddit user superunhappyfuntime.
Answer by superunhappyfuntime:
Answer by xtremeradness:
Answer by Sarax11:
Now tell us yours!
Answer by superunhappyfuntime:
I'm talking weird occurrences, coincidences you haven't been able to easily explain. I'll start.We have a breakfast laid on at work every morning, just a simple buffet of eggs, bacon what have you. Nothing huge and it's really only to feed about a dozen people or so. I am usually one of the first guys from my team to get to work and the kitchen was deserted as usual. I walked into the little kitchen, there was a ceramic egg tray thing with 12 eggs in it, like the bottom half of an egg carton with a socket for each egg. All spaces are filled with warm freshly boiled eggs.
I take one, walk over to the garbage bin, shuck the shell then I walk back over to the food and stop dead. There are 12 eggs in the tray again. No one entered the room while I was peeling the thing. I touched the mystery egg it was the same temp as the other eggs around it.
Not a big thing, nothing major, but something very strange. Given one does not get presented with strange eggs from a parallel universe every day I peeled and ate that one too.
TL:DR - Found strange quantum egg at breakfast. Ate it. Did not gain super powers.
I take one, walk over to the garbage bin, shuck the shell then I walk back over to the food and stop dead. There are 12 eggs in the tray again. No one entered the room while I was peeling the thing. I touched the mystery egg it was the same temp as the other eggs around it.
Not a big thing, nothing major, but something very strange. Given one does not get presented with strange eggs from a parallel universe every day I peeled and ate that one too.
TL:DR - Found strange quantum egg at breakfast. Ate it. Did not gain super powers.
My grandpa was one of those jaded, "I don't have emotions" kind of guys, even more so after his wife (my grandma) passed away naturally.One Thanksgiving night, he just stood up and start talking to everyone very closely and intimately, hugging people, telling them he is proud and loved them, and that grandma was so happy to have the family she does; just basically acting 180 degrees opposite from his normal self.
That night, a burglar broke into his house and shot my grandpa dead when he tried to stop him from stealing a jewelry box from the living room (confirmed by the burglar, as written in the police report). We opened that box up when we were clearing out his house, and it had his and grandma's wedding bands in it...
which creeped all of us out BIG TIME because he lost his wedding ring about a decade earlier.
I'm not sleeping tonight after recalling this story :(
That night, a burglar broke into his house and shot my grandpa dead when he tried to stop him from stealing a jewelry box from the living room (confirmed by the burglar, as written in the police report). We opened that box up when we were clearing out his house, and it had his and grandma's wedding bands in it...
which creeped all of us out BIG TIME because he lost his wedding ring about a decade earlier.
I'm not sleeping tonight after recalling this story :(
This will probably get buried .. When I was around 20, a few years ago, I kept having dreams about a woman with long black hair named Aroura [ pronounced A-roar-uh) . They were different dreams but for some reason, her distinct face and name always ended up in them. It got to the point where I would wake up frustrated and confused, trying to google her name or find out how I was connected to her. After a few months she stopped showing up and I dismissed it, thinking my brain was just being a 'scumbag.'
Fast forward a few years later, Halloween 2009, I'm in the car with a friend stopped at a gas station. I'm about to pull out and merge onto a highway when I get a phone call from a random number, so I stop the car but no one answered. There was a person behind me who grew impatient, honked at me, and then swerved in front of me instead of waiting for 2 seconds for me to move. Second they get on the highway, some silver civic loses control of their wheel and crashes into the car that swerved in front of me. I called the cops and waited at the gas station for them to come. Turns out the drivers of both cars died. It 100% would of been me if I hadn't of got that phone call. Called it back a few hours later out of gratitude and curiosity, rang 3 times and went to voicemail. "Hi, you've reached aurora, please leave your name and number." Never had goosebumps like that in me life.
Called it again the next day, because I was that confused about the whole situation.. Some woman answers, we get to talking, I tell her my entire story including the dreams I had. She tells me she doesn't know how I got her number and that she never called me as far as she remembers. Weird. Ask her if she has a facebook to confirm if she is in fact the woman in my dreams.
Check her facebook, holy ****, it's her.
If that's not a glitch in the matrix then I'm just bat **** crazy.
Fast forward a few years later, Halloween 2009, I'm in the car with a friend stopped at a gas station. I'm about to pull out and merge onto a highway when I get a phone call from a random number, so I stop the car but no one answered. There was a person behind me who grew impatient, honked at me, and then swerved in front of me instead of waiting for 2 seconds for me to move. Second they get on the highway, some silver civic loses control of their wheel and crashes into the car that swerved in front of me. I called the cops and waited at the gas station for them to come. Turns out the drivers of both cars died. It 100% would of been me if I hadn't of got that phone call. Called it back a few hours later out of gratitude and curiosity, rang 3 times and went to voicemail. "Hi, you've reached aurora, please leave your name and number." Never had goosebumps like that in me life.
Called it again the next day, because I was that confused about the whole situation.. Some woman answers, we get to talking, I tell her my entire story including the dreams I had. She tells me she doesn't know how I got her number and that she never called me as far as she remembers. Weird. Ask her if she has a facebook to confirm if she is in fact the woman in my dreams.
Check her facebook, holy ****, it's her.
If that's not a glitch in the matrix then I'm just bat **** crazy.
I once found a pube in my soup in macdonalds . The strange thing is though that macdonalds doesnt sell soup and i ordered a big mac ?? :p
well. this would be long if I told all my stories.... cause I am a person prone to odd things happening to them.... but here is one example:
There were two elevators at my last colleges dorms, one in the front and one in the back. There were six floors, plus a basement level. There was one week, that every time me and my friends went to use the elevators that they were always on the 6th floor. Now this didn't pahse us at first, until one day, getting into the front elevator, I realized something.... that one only went to the 5th floor! After I realized that, it was never on the 6th floor again.
There were two elevators at my last colleges dorms, one in the front and one in the back. There were six floors, plus a basement level. There was one week, that every time me and my friends went to use the elevators that they were always on the 6th floor. Now this didn't pahse us at first, until one day, getting into the front elevator, I realized something.... that one only went to the 5th floor! After I realized that, it was never on the 6th floor again.
My gran was in hospital dying i didnt know she was dying at the time, and my grandpa died 8 years before her. Anyway i was in my room when i smelt my grandpas aftershave, it was 3 in the morn and my mum was still awake, i went in to tell her about the smell and as i walked out the door and into my hall something sped past me really fast and i felt a wind it was weird, i told my mum and she sat me down and told me my gran had just died. I beleive it was her sayn goodbye xx
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