About Us:

Dating.mobi was created by Andres Kello in 2008 to give you an entirely new and free way of finding a date anytime, anywhere by simply using your mobile phone to connect with people. Since you already take your mobile phone with you everywhere you go, this means you can now find a date wherever you are, while taking advantage of Dating.mobi's unique Location-Based Dating feature to find potential dates near you now. There's a world of possibilities out there waiting to be discovered and it's now all accessible right from your mobile phone. Love really is in your hands.

We don't like services that charge you hidden SMS fees (that are nearly impossible to unsubscribe from) or sites that force you to pay monthly subscription fees, and we know you don't like them either, so we've made Dating.mobi FREE with an optional Premium version for those who want some extra OOMPH!

Rest assured, however, because Dating.mobi is hosted on a .mobi domain - not a .com - so you know that it's guaranteed to be optimized specifically for your mobile phone and on-the-go needs. We've kept you in mind and designed Dating.mobi from the ground up to be leaner and cleaner than any PC dating site so that your data costs are lower while your access speeds are faster. In fact, we don't even have a PC version of our site so that we don't get distracted with old technology and can better focus on giving you the best experience possible on this new technology. You can learn more about .mobi at Why.mobi.

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