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Looking for a women to join my wife n I (by nathangreeley)
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@nathangreeley: Vitamin B-12 helps with the sickness and she will be fine with sex. I had the same problem at first and it helped big time.
@brats52005: Thanks at leats it might help these other people need to worry about there own lives or something this site is all that anyway to tell the truth
Well if this site isn't all that (which is what you meant to say) why are you here? I happen to find this the best dating site I've ever seen. Very unique. I've talked to many girls and the majority are very decent. They are all looking for true love and affection, not just a quick screw.
Why thanks for that singlefather. It's great to see this post :)
@nathangreeley: your welcome. I have to say that is between you and you wife or gf to decide that you want a three some. Im sure she has the power to say no if she didnt want to do it. And its not my place to judge you or her for what you both want. Good luck to you and her. And i love this site. Even with the little bit of drama it doesnt have as much as other sites.
Last edited by brats52005; 5-Dec-12 8:54 pm.
@brats52005: Well havent found a lady n dont think we will but it diffrent hearing other peoples opions
@nathangreenly: Have you tried Craigslist? ;) I have a friend who uses it to find couple swaps, 3 somes and even some male on male action. 

hey if she is ok with it and so is he im not gonna judge i would do it to
Thanks miss n this has been getting alot more attention than i thought it would
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