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I am new.... (by michele68)
@Kait:ur mom has already gotten the hang of it already she viewed me u r in trouble lol
Welcome to the forums. Have fun and good luck. Im sure you will enjoy the forums.
Well DAMN!!! i never thought about her actually reading the forums....WTH? ummmm no sir, my mama does NOT need to see my posts, she would dis-own me, she wants to half the time now as it is lmao thanks for busting my bubble Hawkeye, i wanted my cupid credits, lol, but its jus not worth it :-) hehehehe
I only said that because I believe I've seen (as well as a small handfull of others here) almost everything you EVER posted here! Lmao! If my Mother saw what I've posted in these forums, she'd FREAK!! Lmao!
omg! my mother won't ever know I am on here...just in case....thanx y'all for making me think abt that! My mind went straight to a certain cpla threads!
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