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How long have you been single? (by Wonder93)
Yep that is it. I wouldn't care if she is called ronald she is still gorgeous.
Ok mine is complicated ofcourse cuz nothing in my life can be simple. I left my husband a year & half ago cuz he was verbally, physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive. The worst case imaginable! I have had a boyfriend/bestfriend since then that was sexual but havent been with him in 7 months. I still hang out and do things with my husband so its hard to say hes my "ex" except we sleep in different houses and the $988 it cost for a divorce lawyer lol But in my head i been single a year and a half, with a fling in between
I'm sorry to hear about your ex husband. But i'm glad you found a guy afterwards :-) you don't deserve to be abused in any way. No one does
5 years 8 months & 8 days
Reasons are to be followed lol!
I have a high respect with my EX .. The only thing we can't handle were
Oooppssss sorry .. Double posts . I was about to edit :(

Reasons are to be followed lol!
I have a high respect with my EX .. The only thing we can't handle were
Oooppssss sorry .. Double posts . I was about to edit :(
Last edited by Rainbowbutterfly; 8-Aug-12 8:13 am.
5 years 8 months & 8 days
Reasons are to be followed lol!
I have a high respect with my EX .. The only thing we can't handle was , we been brought up strong and different ...

Reasons are to be followed lol!
I have a high respect with my EX .. The only thing we can't handle was , we been brought up strong and different ...
10 years here. My ex was verbally and physically abusive to me and our kids. I've had couple of cracked ribs, a broken nose and a few broken fingers. I couldnt hit her back wasnt brought up that way. Couldnt really have her arrested either how would that look in a young childs eyes. Sometimes your d*mned if ya do and d*mned if ya dont. The last straw was when I found out she was havin an affair with her sons real dad.
Last edited by Swordsman; 9-Aug-12 3:40 am.
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