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Happy birthday to 'zilya777' (by laniesofie)
Thank you :-) * Read on the NWS site your weather is dreadfull, esp lately... Meg said she would like an igloo condo with a shed for cats...hee hee. :-)
Happy birthday Zilya get some sleep! :P your on here around the clock lol
Thanks for the birthday greeting Meg.. Btw, I heard your getting a
@Shincicc2 Aaawww Thank you... We both need blessings lately. I'll share mine.. :-)
Last edited by Zilya777; 5-Jan-14 4:13 am.
Why Thank you. A butterfly from "The Butterfly " Herself :-)
All right, out the truck, drop the cell, put your hands on the hood....wwaahh.. * We know the drill, unfortuately * jk :-) & Thank you...
@Zilya777: yes I know the drill all to well lol. I've criminally trespassed from three business on account of sleeping their parking lots lol
Thank you Kiwi... * Who accually is in the SUMMER season... Oh how I wish, it was here * :-)
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