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Dunce still in effect (by WalkSoftly)
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Ok...lets assume thats u decided to add to it? Kinda makes u just as guilty, doesnt it?
Andres i do have a question. You said we will be dunced for namecalling if it is towards a user of the site, but we wont if it is towards somebody who isnt on the site, so if i attacked a member who was already delete, would that get a dunced
If you attacked a user that deleted, chances are they would see it and want to come back to defend themselves (as we've already seen), thus creating conflict. So, yes, attacking deleted members would land you in the dunce corner.
Everyone here hates each others guts so much . It may be a good idea to have a No holds barred day here at least once a week . With filthy personal abuses , below the belt remarks and drama sessions galore everyone can have their sadist fantacies fulfilled ,, may be this catharsis will lead to calm for the rest of the week .
@WalkSoftly: Yes , may be but a no dunce day will be fun for both spectators and participants alike :)
Ahhh I like your idea.....but at issue wld be that some of the "spectators" are actually "participants" and dont realize it 

Hmm no holds barred sounds like cross between gladiator and jerry springer hell im game
Quick reply:
- Be respectful at all times.
- Be mature and act like an adult.
- Respect different points of view.
- Discuss ideas, not specific users.
- Don't get personal.
- No profanity.
- No drama.
- No thread hijacking.
- No trolling.
- No spamming.
- No soliciting.
- No duplicate posting.
- No posting in the wrong section.
- No posting of contact information.
- Be welcoming to new users.
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