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I am new.... (by michele68)
Hello there. Another Tennesseean lol. I been tring to talk my mom into joining but shes being a prune and wont do it. Now watch, she'll join & see me talkin bout her will be my luck lol. Anyway, enjoy urself while ur here. We are one big family
She wasnt hard to convince, she sees all the fun I have on here! 

WAIT a minute here Brites! So you wouldnt mind your Mom seeing EVERYTHING you've EVER posted here??? Lmao! Your braver than I am!! 

Im not worried about seeing what she does on here I dont want her to see what I am doing on here 

lol, lots a luck with that Michele! 

Last edited by Hawkeye58; 2-Sep-12 8:31 pm.
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