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Tim Burton's "Batman" or Chris Nolan's "The Dark Knight"? (by Drs223)
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@xSinneDx: Exactly right. Jack Nicholson as the joker. Whats better than that? 'Never rub another man's rhubarb.' Heath Ledger rubbed Jake Gyllenhals rhubard. thats a no-no.
@SquidBilly: this is me replying to myself. i agree with everything that guy just said. 

Tim Burton is talented on some things but his plot on batman was terrible to make a movie he really knew nothing about if you look at the plot it says he never picked up a comic of batman in his life. Chris Nolan plot was better but didn't care for heath Leger
I would have to go with the old school batman movie because i think all the older batman movies made a bigger impact and on pop culture as well and to be honest no offense to anybody just my opinion heath ledger sucked in his performance as the joker in the dark night and nobodys performance of the joker was not at all that good as jack nicoleison's performance
Aw but Heath ledgers performence does come from the comic books as portraying the joker as a homicidal maniac! Yes nickolason wad ok as the joker, but he portrayed the more clownish aspects of the joker, wereas ledger portrayed the joker as the killer clown which is how the joker is dine in the comic books!
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