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What are some weird things Americans do that are considered weird or taboo in your country? (by Sparky)
@Amyt: America isn't the only country that allows for legal prostitution. The Netherlands also has some form of it, or so I've been told. And for the record, the only state here that allows it is Nevada. It's not a nationwide policy.
@Amyt: be that as it may, Holland boasted impressive statistics relating to its policies regarding legalized prostitution. If I recall, wasn't there a significant reduction in the spread of venereal diseases attributed to the govrnments monitoring and treatment of said afflictions?
@1honestman: no usually there is no life without parole here , life usually means that you'll serve 15 to 20 years , but its an indeterminate sentence , so in exceptional circumstances you can serve alot longer and probably never get out but that would be pretty rare
@TheCelt: what kind of rehabilitation treatments/programs are used to correct the criminal thoughts prior to release? Are there any recurring crimes committed by those who do get paroled? What sort of guarantees can your countrys government make in regards to the safety of its law abiding citizens whenever such socially repugnant criminals are released?
@james85: if it's any consolation, I live here & I don't fully understand a lot of our gun laws either. While I support & defend the need for the inclusion of the 2nd amendment to our nations constitution, I also question the need for the average citizen to own an RPG launcher or a machine gun. But that's just my personal opinion.
@1honestman: i dont know exactly what treatments there is , but sex offenders for example can avail of therapy although its not mandatory , all prisoners can avail of doing there school exams or learning a trade if available , and no not to my knowledge has there ever been a notorious criminal that has been released from a life sentence that went on to commit more heinous crimes that would warrant another life sentence , whats with all the questions anyway ? , your eventually going to say that capitol punishment is justified right ? well thats fine but i dont agree with you cuz innocent men have been proven to have been put to death in the past , and quite a few people have been sentenced to die but have later been proven innocent , so for that reason alone capitol punishment should be stopped imo
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