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Famous Spirtual Quotes (by Zilya777)

 Paschal (19)    (33 / M-MF / Nigeria)
5-Dec-13 5:21 am
He who is not in need of another is neither a beast nor a God...Aristotle..



 ndaliman (1)    (40 / M-F / Nigeria)
5-Dec-13 9:17 am
My problem with people, is that, truly they dn,t help at all. And this is in every where.



 nokiaclassic (5)    (43 / M-F / Nwfp Peshawar)
5-Dec-13 10:11 am
He who is not in need of another is neither a beast nor a God...Aristotle..
I think the Greek dude had said either not neither if I m not wrong



 tat2d1976 (12)    (48 / M-F / North Carolina)
5-Dec-13 10:46 am
Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life. Buddha



 Paschal (19)    (33 / M-MF / Nigeria)
5-Dec-13 11:20 am
@nokiaclassic: ohh! That's my mistake. Thanks so much for that buddie!



5-Dec-13 12:29 pm
I swear to you there are divine thinhs more beautiful than can tell * Walt Witman *



 nokiaclassic (5)    (43 / M-F / Nwfp Peshawar)
6-Dec-13 10:05 am
Whoever knows all things without knowing God-Great and Glorious-is not worthy to be called wise because he does not know the most sublime and highest of all things.
Imam Al-Ghazali



6-Dec-13 10:12 am
Don't doubt the creator, because it is inconceivable that accidents alone could be the controller of this universe. * Sir Isaac Newton *



6-Dec-13 5:52 pm
"There is saying in Tibetan.... Tragedy should be utilizied as a sourse of strengh, no matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is... If we loose our hope, that is our real disaster " * Dalai Lama *



 nokiaclassic (5)    (43 / M-F / Nwfp Peshawar)
7-Dec-13 5:57 am
Behold and see as you pass by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so you must be
Perpare for death and follow me.
- A tombstone inscription from a cemetery in New-York



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