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Can I have a successful long distance relationship? (by Pascal212)
@Pascal212: most the time it dont work dont think the wost cus then it wont work and if you like him and he likes you go for it
@Pascal212: it takes a lot of dedication and patience to make one work. Most of them don't but enough work that people keep trying. It works best in my opinion if you can meet the person as soon as possible. Hope this helps
A long distance relationship is fine as long as there is an understandn, n atleast 1 person is willing to travel
Long distance relationship. thats an oxymoron. Doesnt make sense. Kinda like military intelligence. They dont work, period. I dont care if your 2 hours away. Thats too far.. IT DOESNT WORK.
That's not true! Long distance CAN work if BOTH commit, and put forth the effort to be together.
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