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My predictions for monday on raw (by Aaronjake619)
Right i mean hes the last of an era i thought he was goin to lose at mania and b done but i guess not? lol
@jakemann23: honestly I think he's gonna end it at wm 30 against Kane. It only makes sense.
yeah true that seems likely brother vs brother but i cant wait for the B.O.D. to get back together
@jakemann23: well if what we saw on monday is any indication, we may see it soon.
i hope so man lol its gonna b the sh*t! i also like ur prediction on brock lesnar and cm punk its gonna happen
@jakemann23: yeah. I hope so. I really wanna see punk turn face. He seems better that way. Heck, I'd be fine if he was in between!
id have to agree with the in between part hes alright as a face but hes way better as a heel.
I went to one live show in Little Rock, back in the early 90's 4th row seats. Bought 4 tickets for 10 bucks each, took 2 of my brothers & a friend. After the show met Michael PS Hayes & Bam Bam Gordy at a gas station, we shared a 12 pack of Bud Lite with them. They were really nice & polite.
thats awesome bro i went to extreme rules last year it was epic saw the great khali at ihop dudes alot bigger in person!
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