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Your Idea Of What the Forum Should Be (by Ram318)
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Not everything is about war, least of all a dating site.
You just insulted the majority of our users, and I think that says more about you, than it does about them.
Actually, most of our users stand up for civility and respect, two things you seem to have lost along the way.
Thanks for your help in building up the Forums. Farewell.
You just insulted the majority of our users, and I think that says more about you, than it does about them.
Actually, most of our users stand up for civility and respect, two things you seem to have lost along the way.
I'm done with this place....
Vinnie wth r u doing?? What is wrong with u guys all of a sudden...does noone see ram's personal everyone blind sided that much seriously? U only see what u wanna see I am so surprised 

Seriously, why can't we all be grown ups here and stop bringing up things that have been dropped and taken care of already? And in defense of Raymond, he was in the military for 4 years. Fought in Iraq 2 of them. He got discharged for breaking his superior's jaw because he walked in on his superior molesting a fellow soldier.
I only see a man at the end of his rope. A good man disgusted and disillusioned with what he sees in these forums. A man that till now saw the world as a place where you stood up for yourself face to face and were able to settle any disagreements like a man. I SEE a man that has endured personal attacks against all that he believes in go unchecked. When those attacks were mostly sneaky and underhanded they were especially aggregious to him. I SEE a man that believes absolutely in the standard that it is "NOT okay to eat sh*t as long as you do it politely with a knife and fork". I see a man that has stood up for those he felt did not have the skills to stand up for themselves over and over and over. I see a man that just can't take the hypocracy any longer. I see a man that snapped at insults to his beloved marine corps. I SEE a man that is very hurt and that hurt has turned to anger because that is what men do, turn emotion into anger. I would point by point defend my friend from said allegations.....but I believe he spoke well for himself over the last six months and as always doesn't need me too.
Last edited by JLaDawn; 29-Oct-12 4:49 pm.
Girl, I surely dont know. But, I do know that a couple of guys can not run as if it's their own personal playgrounds. There are other guys here as well including Andres who is still the owner. It's his site, his rules and they were created for everyone to abide by and...for a reason. Ive been dunced as well as others and I still believe this :)
I'm quoting you so that your post remains as further evidence of why you were banished from this community, because as soon as I ban this new account, your post above will go with it automatically. That said, I don't think you understand the meaning of a permanent ban. It means you are you no longer welcomed here, no matter how many accounts you try to create. For a site that "sux", you really go out of your way to come back, so we must be doing something right. But in all seriousness, you need anger management classes, and perhaps medical attention to treat your apparent bipolarity. The truth is, we simply do not want people like you here, as I would be doing my female members a disservice by providing you as a dating option.
Yes this is what YOU would see....but even Ram himself seen YOUR subtle personal attacks and couldnt deny them. He wants EVERYONE ELSE to stop as u claim YOU do but YOU bring ME up in more posts then not. Ram sent text saying F*uck Brite and F*uck YOU did so in phone conversation, and this is AFTER Ram and i made truths, so do i feel sorry for him.....NO MA'AM.
@Briteeyes1211: Dear, she isn't worth the headache nor the time. Just leave her be. She's trying to get under people's skin. Don't let her succeed, please.
Quick reply:
- Be respectful at all times.
- Be mature and act like an adult.
- Respect different points of view.
- Discuss ideas, not specific users.
- Don't get personal.
- No profanity.
- No drama.
- No thread hijacking.
- No trolling.
- No spamming.
- No soliciting.
- No duplicate posting.
- No posting in the wrong section.
- No posting of contact information.
- Be welcoming to new users.
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