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Getting "type" box was empty error when trying to send messages (by thedreamer88)

 thedreamer88 (14)   (35 / F-M / Louisiana)
1-Sep-12 1:40 am
I will write a big old paraghraph and try to send it. It will try to send then tell me that the "type" box was empty. Its only sometimes but it is aggervating.



1-Sep-12 1:50 am
oh it happens to me sometimes too. and sometimes it doesnt give me "notification" that the message's already sent, thats why i kept on sending it.



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
1-Sep-12 11:08 am
I will write a big old paraghraph and try to send it. It will try to send then tell me that the "type" box was empty. Its only sometimes but it is aggervating.
Thanks for reporting this issue, I've added it to the To-Do list and have stuck this thread so that others who might be experiencing the same issue see it as well.



 Nenavar (15)    (31 / M-MF / New York)
18-Sep-12 10:54 pm
@Andres: im experiencing something like this but instead of the inbox saying im not sending messages it doesnt show ones i recived for 30 min to an hour



 courtneylatrise (0)  (42 / F-M / Massachusetts)
4-Oct-12 3:58 pm
Well hope it start working soon



 Buttablack69 (0)   (55 / M-F / Illinois)
18-Oct-12 12:13 am
The same thing here. Tells me there is not any type.



23-Dec-12 3:08 am
every time i try to send a message it says keybox empty of something along the lines and in reality the messages do get sent but very irrating



 alleycat74 (12)    (50 / F-M / Kentucky)
24-Dec-12 1:42 pm
i am getting the keyword box is empty message



6-Jan-13 2:33 pm
ive reported this problem before but ill say it again. i send a messsage and i get keyword box is empty. please fix this



8-Jan-13 3:10 pm
it keeps telling me the same thing



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