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Inbox Errors (by rayminton49)

1-Aug-12 , Just Now
My Inbox on homepage keeps showing E message. When I look its the same message I've replied to and deleted several times.



1-Aug-12 7:08 pm
@rayminton49:Been happening 2 me also



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
1-Aug-12 7:54 pm
My Inbox on homepage keeps showing E message. When I look its the same message I've replied to and deleted several times.
What do you mean it keeps showing you "E message" ? Is it doing this now? Let me know when it does this again so I can check to see what's going on and fix it. Thanks!



1-Aug-12 8:43 pm
,to me also.,



 ervinman (0)    (46 / M-F / Alabama)
8-Aug-12 11:40 pm
Me to. I have to log out then back in to clear it.



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
8-Aug-12 11:49 pm
Me to. I have to log out then back in to clear it.
Can you please describe step-by-step what you are doing and what is happening and what you are seeing?

Please be as detailed and specific as possible.



 ervinman (0)    (46 / M-F / Alabama)
9-Aug-12 12:05 am
When i read the message i hit the delete message link. Then dismiss. It goes away then but when i get a couple of pages into the forums, it comes back. And when i check it it'll be the same message i just deleted. So i restart my browser and it stays gone till the next message.



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
9-Aug-12 12:11 am
When i read the message i hit the delete message link. Then dismiss. It goes away then but when i get a couple of pages into the forums, it comes back. And when i check it it'll be the same message i just deleted. So i restart my browser and it stays gone till the next message.
Very strange that it would just suddenly and randomly come back like that.

When you say it "comes back", are you getting a "You've got Mail!" alert again or how is it coming back?

Also, does this happen every time or sporadically? If sporadically, have you noticed any pattern for when this tends to occur?

Lastly, what phone make and model do you have and what browser are you using?

Thanks for the detailed answers, I appreciate it!



 ervinman (0)    (46 / M-F / Alabama)
9-Aug-12 12:41 am
It would display you have mail. Im using a samsung r355. The browser is mobile browser universal edition it does this with each message i recieve.



 Andres (105)     (Admin)
9-Aug-12 10:49 am
It would display you have mail. Im using a samsung r355. The browser is mobile browser universal edition it does this with each message i recieve.
OK, so let's recap what's happening to make sure I got it right:

Every time you get a message, and click on the "You've Got Mail!" to view it, and then delete it, a few pages later (but NOT the next page after deleting it), you get the "You've Got Mail!" alert again, and when you click it, it takes you to the exact same message you had just deleted moments before, is that correct?



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