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Uniforms (by mrsienna)

 mrsienna (4)   (54 / M-F / England)
11-May-17 11:57 am
I must say, I wouldn't have thought that it was an awfully good idea to show yourself in a military uniform, in this current climate...



 mrsienna (4)   (54 / M-F / England)
11-May-17 11:59 am
Just saying...



 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (58 / M-F / Louisiana)
11-May-17 3:56 pm
Who's wearing a uniform where?



 mrsienna (4)   (54 / M-F / England)
11-May-17 6:55 pm
Who's wearing a uniform where?
a new profile appeared a few hours ago. no names, but picture showed a female soldier, wearing full uniform...



 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (58 / M-F / Louisiana)
11-May-17 7:22 pm
Scammer...and no U.S. service personnel will post a profile pic in uniform. If they do, they're conceited and ya don't wanna talk to em anyway lol



 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (58 / M-F / Louisiana)
11-May-17 7:26 pm



 xlace1975x (4)       (48 / F-MF / Arkansas)
11-May-17 8:46 pm
this is my grandpa in the Korean war. That is why he wore the uniform and yes, it was hot as hell..



 megsy89 (7)      (35 / F-MF / South Carolina)
11-May-17 10:32 pm
@xlace1975x: That's awesome. I have a picture of my gpa and great-gpa in uniform plus a picture of an ancestor who fought in the civil war



 rulost2 (35)     (53 / M-F / Mississippi)
11-May-17 10:34 pm
this is my grandpa in the Korean war. That is why he wore the uniform and yes, it was hot as hell..
Wow that is so cool lacey
Nice pic



 Critter1211 (11)       (49 / F-MF / Tennessee)
11-May-17 10:36 pm
I have family that served, they always look so nice in uniform.



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