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Monday Morning Mood... (by xlace1975x)

 xlace1975x (4)       (48 / F-MF / Arkansas)
8-May-17 1:17 pm
I just don't want to adult today!..
I might be at the fishing pond all day...



 silverdime74 (0)    (50 / M-F / Florida)
8-May-17 2:59 pm
Gone fishing instead of just a'wishing



 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (58 / M-F / Louisiana)
8-May-17 3:01 pm
My morning mood is the same everyday of the week when I first wake up.... HUNGRY!
I'm a mess till I get something in my belly lol....then my real mood shows.
And what's funny is that I used to never want eat in the, I gotta have it



 Critter1211 (11)       (49 / F-MF / Tennessee)
8-May-17 3:02 pm
Moving today, so i Don't want to adult today either.



 megsy89 (7)      (35 / F-MF / South Carolina)
8-May-17 4:23 pm
I woke up grumpy and tired... I barely got any sleep. But I have to go to physical therapy so, no sleep for me



 DodgersFan301 (3)    (46 / M-F / Utah)
8-May-17 5:51 pm
I just don't want to adult today!..
I might be at the fishing pond all day...
I think I say that everyday



 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (58 / M-F / Louisiana)
8-May-17 6:23 pm
On side note....Everytime I glance at the title, I first think it says Monday Morning Wood



 rulost2 (35)     (53 / M-F / Mississippi)
8-May-17 6:36 pm
I just don't want to adult today!..
I might be at the fishing pond all day...
Alright supper is on lacey tonigh. Fish fry it is ..



 xlace1975x (4)       (48 / F-MF / Arkansas)
8-May-17 7:26 pm
My morning mood is the same everyday of the week when I first wake up.... HUNGRY!
I'm a mess till I get something in my belly lol....then my real mood shows.
And what's funny is that I used to never want eat in the, I gotta have it
it's cause you're getting up in age. Gotta eat, old ppl need there strength lmao



 xlace1975x (4)       (48 / F-MF / Arkansas)
8-May-17 7:26 pm
I just don't want to adult today!..
I might be at the fishing pond all day...
I think I say that everyday
hey you!!



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