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If world leaders throughout history had tweeted like Donald Trump does, what would have been some of (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (30 / M-F / Massachusetts)
4-Jan-17 10:22 pm
If world leaders throughout history had tweeted like Donald Trump does, what would have been some of their more memorable tweets?




 MikeN2014 (8)    (42 / M-F / New York)
5-Jan-17 6:01 pm
Who the f*ck cares my god I'm getting sick of hearing from cry baby little bi*ches that complain about everything thing this man does and guess what libtards, we do live in modern times, newspapers, and am radio is a little outdated and no one trusts MSNBC, Clinton News Network, Abc, nbc, CBS or fox and people are going to more independent news outlets via social media. Soon lamestream media will be no longer relevant. He tweets so that the corrupt and fake news don't distort and twist anything he says to suit their anti American agenda



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