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Starting tomorrow (by james85)

14-Jan-15 7:27 pm
My now 16 hour a week job (was 8 don't ask) id never thought id ever post in this section :D thanks to my friends here for standing behind me all the way :) told you this would be epic



 LaDawn (11)   (50 / F-M / Oklahoma)
14-Jan-15 7:56 pm



14-Jan-15 9:16 pm
@james85: Congrats :-)

Hey James.. Why are you over here? ....jk :-)



 conan1957 (7)    (67 / M-F / Georgia)
14-Jan-15 9:43 pm
@james85: what is the pay scale over there.and what is the cost of living.



14-Jan-15 10:18 pm
@james85: Get to work!



15-Jan-15 1:53 am
@james85: congrats dude!



15-Jan-15 6:00 pm
Thanks guys had a great first day :)



15-Jan-15 9:04 pm
@james85: Bravo James:-) It's a feeling of accomplishment isn't it?



16-Jan-15 1:34 am
Congrats SweetJames! : )



 LaDawn (11)   (50 / F-M / Oklahoma)
25-Jan-15 6:39 pm
@james85: how are things going for you James?



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