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Why you don't like here.. (by Larbi205)

 Larbi205 (0)    (39 / M-F / Ghana)
10-Nov-14 10:32 am
Am Kobby lets us prove to them that we are not here for visa.....but peace and love....



 Larbi205 (0)    (39 / M-F / Ghana)
10-Nov-14 6:56 pm
Psychology is not the truth of madness but madness is the truth of psychology.......



 Larbi205 (0)    (39 / M-F / Ghana)
10-Nov-14 7:10 pm
Importance of a man is death...every man on this earth is nothing know matter who you are because all of us onws death until you are dead before people will know what you did...........good evening and stay bless



 Larbi205 (0)    (39 / M-F / Ghana)
10-Nov-14 7:18 pm
News Nigeria school blast bom kills........why....



11-Nov-14 2:45 am
Did they legalize marijuana in Ghana too?!



 bobbykingz (0)   (33 / M-F / India)
11-Apr-18 4:59 pm
@ramblinman: What are you trying to insinuate



 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (58 / M-F / Louisiana)
11-Apr-18 7:28 pm
@ramblinman: What are you trying to insinuate
He hasn't been on on years...which you would know IF you would look at the dates on the posts....but if you must know, he was insinuating that all the previous posts HAD to have been posted by high isers because none were related and made zero sense to the thread topic.



 bobbykingz (0)   (33 / M-F / India)
15-Apr-18 5:04 pm
@MrWalkSoftly: Ok, thanks



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