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Not sure what to think about this (by Aldo420xNOBODYx)

 Aldo420xNOBODYx (Banned)
29-Jul-14 6:41 pm
So they hired a new guy at my work pending a drug test. cool I don't have to do everything myself. today I find out he has a reputation for being a thief. now I have to keep my toolbox locked and push my cart inside when I go to lunch. what a pain in the ass



 impeccablesossy (33)   (35 / F-MF / Nigeria)
29-Jul-14 7:06 pm
@Aldo420xNOBODYx: so what are they doing about it???or are you the only person aware about it???



 Aldo420xNOBODYx (Banned)
29-Jul-14 7:16 pm
@impeccablesossy: they told him if there is any problems he will be terminated and prosecuted.



 impeccablesossy (33)   (35 / F-MF / Nigeria)
29-Jul-14 9:05 pm
Ok....better!but it's ideal u keep your things properly first...lolz



 Aldo420xNOBODYx (Banned)
29-Jul-14 9:08 pm
@impeccablesossy: we'll see what happens



 impeccablesossy (33)   (35 / F-MF / Nigeria)
29-Jul-14 9:13 pm
Ok....lolzzz...i will be waiting to here if anything happens...but over here they stop the person immediately from work to avoid any loss...



 heikeva (69)   (60 / F-M / Bayern)
29-Jul-14 9:13 pm
I say give him a chance...people like to talk, who knows maybe he is a decent guy, maybe he stole something 20 years ago Idk?!



 Aldo420xNOBODYx (Banned)
29-Jul-14 9:38 pm
@heikeva: it's from people who worked with him at the last two yards he worked at but everyone can change



 heikeva (69)   (60 / F-M / Bayern)
29-Jul-14 9:49 pm
I really hope it proofs to be wrong...that he is a thief it would for you to have to work with somebody u can't trust !



 Aldo420xNOBODYx (Banned)
29-Jul-14 9:52 pm
I'll just keep my toolbox locked that's all



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