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I drank the most liquor in my life when......... (by BigPapaRedneck)

 BigPapaRedneck (11)       (47 / M-F / Kansas)
24-Mar-14 5:00 am
How much have you ever consumed at one time? Why? For me it was 24 shots in 30 minutes. Was over at a buddy's place and he pulled out this thing called a "d ick measurer." It was a 12 ounce shot glass. He grabbed his girlfriend's E&J and filled it up. I drank it down and went in the den to watch Jersey Shore. Snooki fetish, don't judge. I got LOUD DRUNK within a few minutes and this turd brings me another half erk & jerk, half Don Rio rum. I don't usually get a hangover but this one lasted three days. Only had a beer since. :drunk:



Last edited by BigPapaRedneck; 24-Mar-14 5:07 am.
24-Mar-14 5:02 am
I never counted but I ve tossed down a bottle or two workin on one right now



24-Mar-14 7:25 am
Maybe 6 shots and a couple mixed drinks in an hour...made me completely sh*tfaced. Nowadays, I won't drink more than 4 drinks in one night.



24-Mar-14 8:14 am
@sweeterthejuic3: hell ole Donnie starts at four shots lol



24-Mar-14 8:36 am
@Donnie1987: Haha, higher tolerance I guess!



24-Mar-14 8:48 am
@sweeterthejuic3: why yass mam



 BigPapaRedneck (11)       (47 / M-F / Kansas)
15-Dec-17 6:48 am
Insyead of asking again I'll just bump this post



 Critter1211 (11)       (49 / F-MF / Tennessee)
16-Dec-17 3:36 am
Right before my son left for college. I had a breakdown at his dads and got DRUNKKKKKK. I gave him a bj right there in front of everyone, including my daughter. Not my best night lol



 MrWalkSoftly (16)     (58 / M-F / Louisiana)
16-Dec-17 5:02 am
Right before my son left for college. I had a breakdown at his dads and got DRUNKKKKKK. I gave him a bj right there in front of everyone, including my daughter. Not my best night lol



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