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TELL me how u will feel if God was ur next door neigbour? (by CHIJION)

 CHIJION (0)   (33 / M-F / Nigeria)
20-Oct-12 3:50 pm
i wonder how any one normal and greatful would feel if God was his nex door neigbour.
How long would you visit him^GOD^per hour?



 JustMeAndYou77 (17)   (46 / F-M / Florida)
20-Oct-12 3:56 pm
If God was my neighbor, I'd hook him up with my mother because she's always saying God is her man lol



 heikeva (69)   (60 / F-M / Bayern)
20-Oct-12 4:07 pm
I have him over for supper, some wine and a good convo! Tell him what i think is wrong with this world...see what he has to say!!?? ;)



 Graceyyy18 (8)   (30 / F-M / Maine)
20-Oct-12 4:11 pm
I would be so happy cause then i would really know that god is real. I would do everything and anything to please him. And i wouldnt feel alone cause i would go and vist him every time i fell lonely.



 CHIJION (0)   (33 / M-F / Nigeria)
20-Oct-12 5:06 pm
@Graceyyy18: PLEASE dont seduce him oh!



 CHIJION (0)   (33 / M-F / Nigeria)
20-Oct-12 5:07 pm
@JustMeAndYou77: LOL ur man have the best man ever



20-Oct-12 5:08 pm
If God were my neighbor I think I wld just feel DEAD!



 CHIJION (0)   (33 / M-F / Nigeria)
20-Oct-12 5:09 pm
@heikeva: LOL dont have him dine on ur bed oh!



 JustMeAndYou77 (17)   (46 / F-M / Florida)
21-Oct-12 6:04 am
@JustMeAndYou77: LOL ur man have the best man ever
I know that's right, yes! And, and...he'd keep her busy doing his work hehe



 Mykelbrezzy (0)    (39 / M-F / Nigeria)
19-Jan-20 10:26 am
Thats the best security i could ever think of



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