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29-Oct-16 2:06 pm
Post: I used to cycle but now I don't even remember... Thread: As a teenager, what did you swear you'd never grow out of? Were you right? (2 rep. / 598 views)
29-Oct-16 8:54 am
Post: I don't think there is a particular game or... Thread: Reddit, you just died. You have a chance at resurrection if you can beat God at a videogame of your (2 rep. / 257 views)
29-Oct-16 8:51 am
Post: In regard to military leadership,,
unprofessional Thread: If Abraham Lincoln ran for president in 2016 what dirt would the media dig up on him? How would they (2 rep. / 273 views)
29-Oct-16 5:55 am
Post: @rulost2:
hahaaa,it could be the reason Thread: What weird thing used to exist, but doesn't anymore? (9 rep. / 1 views)
29-Oct-16 5:47 am
Post: @rulost2:
funniest thing on the street. it was Thread: What weird thing used to exist, but doesn't anymore? (9 rep. / 1 views)
29-Oct-16 5:43 am
Post: Hmmm,Thor,magneto Thread: Halloween is almost among us. What is your favorite halloween character (3 rep. / 265 views)
29-Oct-16 4:06 am
Post: @rulost2:
it was the first thing that hit my... Thread: What weird thing used to exist, but doesn't anymore? (9 rep. / 1 views)
28-Oct-16 6:20 pm
Post: Words like ,you are wonderful,all the words that... Thread: Reddit, what interesting words do you say instead of curse words? (3 rep. / 533 views)
28-Oct-16 6:16 pm
Post: I think dinosaurs Thread: What weird thing used to exist, but doesn't anymore? (9 rep. / 1 views)
28-Oct-16 6:13 pm
Post: Good night good people I.e those whose places are... Thread: Good Night! (1 rep. / 279 views)
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