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5-Apr-16 11:47 am
Post: Then they said the samething abt long distance... Thread: What popular opinion today was an absurd notion ten to twenty years ago? (4 rep. / 877 views)
13-Oct-15 12:53 am
Post: Would invest it. Thread: If you won $1m tonight, what would be the first purchase you make? (4 rep. / 402 views)
12-Oct-15 10:06 pm
Post: Dark... Thread: Whats something you've been scared of since you were a child (8 rep. / 704 views)
11-Oct-15 6:56 pm
Post: I hate the ending of clear history... omg poor... Thread: What is the most bull**** ending to a movie or TV show? (1 rep. / 330 views)
9-Oct-15 7:39 pm
Post: Hmmmm i love all the plain typical racin' and... Thread: What are some great phone apps/games that don't require data or wifi network to use? (1 rep. / 351 views)
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