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21-Nov-14 5:48 am
Post: @SammyToo: makes for bad neck cramps too.... Thread: What is something that nobody looks cool doing? (17 rep. / 1 views)
21-Nov-14 5:41 am
Post: Blowing themselves... Thread: What is something that nobody looks cool doing? (17 rep. / 1 views)
21-Nov-14 12:40 am
Post: "... if you'd let me pick these scabs off first,... Thread: What sentence could ruin a date immediately? (23 rep. / 2 views)
20-Nov-14 11:09 pm
Post: "I've only used this condom once before... its... Thread: What sentence could ruin a date immediately? (23 rep. / 2 views)
20-Nov-14 3:46 am
Post: "... oh by the way I'm really a dude..." never... Thread: What's the strangest thing you've heard someone say during sex? (NSFW) (69 rep. / 4 views)
14-Nov-14 4:11 am
Post: Who Stole the Hot Sauce - - - Chubby Carrier and... Thread: What is the most beautiful song you've ever heard? (14 rep. / 1 views)
14-Nov-14 3:59 am
Post: 48... when not near a shower and out of wet... Thread: [Serious] How old are you and what's the most recent major life lesson you've learned? (19 rep. / 2 views)
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