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My [24f] future MIL [63f] hates me for being black. (by Sparky)

 Sparky (0)  (30 / M-F / Massachusetts)
7-Feb-25 10:30 pm
My [24f] future MIL [63f] hates me for being black.

I wish I were making this up but this is my actual life right now, and I don?t know what to do.
I (24f) am engaged to the love of my life (26m). We?ve been together for three years, living together for one, and he proposed a few months ago. I thought his family liked me. I knew his mom (63f) was a little weird with me, but I chalked it up to her just being a controlling, overbearing mom.
Then we got engaged.
And suddenly, she lost her mind.
At first, it was little things. Suddenly, I was ?rude? for not texting her every day. She started making passive-aggressive comments about ?cultural differences? (???) and how she just didn?t want her future grandkids to struggle.
But then she stopped pretending. She straight-up told my fianc? that he was ?ruining the family bloodline.?
Yes. She actually said that. In 2025.
She tried to convince him that I was ?using him for status? (??? I make more money than him???). She started calling him at random hours, crying about how she was ?losing her son.? She even told him that if he married me, she wouldn?t come to the wedding.
We were both furious. My fiance told her to back off, and for a sec, it seemed like she did.
But then, she crossed the ****ing line.
This woman had the actual audacity to reach out to my ex.
She found him on facebook, messaged him, and tried to dig up dirt. My ex (24m), thankfully, has common sense and immediately told me. She was fishing for anything she could use to convince my fianc? that I was ?untrustworthy.?
Of course she denied everything when we confronted her. Aggressively tried to gaslight both of us. After our conversation I messaged my ex for his side of all of this and he sent me screenshots of their entire interaction.
So I texted her saying that I know what she did, I have proof, and just told her that my fiance and I need a break from her for at least a few months.
Now she's playing the victim, telling my fiance that I?m the one being dramatic, that I?m tearing the family apart, that she was just worried about him.
I don?t even know what to do. My fiance is furious at her, but she?s still his mom. I feel like I?m forcing him to choose, and I hate that. But I also refuse to let this woman keep harassing me like this.
Do I just go no contact? Do I even invite her to the wedding? How do you marry someone when their mom literally hates you?
tldr: My future MIL hates me for being black, reached out to an ex to try and find "dirt on me" and is calling me overdramatic for asking for a few months away from her.




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